Shine On Summit 2024


Wednesday, April 10 from 4-7PM

Bamboo Detroit

Join Shine & Rise for an inspiring evening of connection and idea sharing at our first Shine On Summit. The mission of the Shine On Summit is to advance the ideas and perspectives of women and other underrepresented folks in tech, guided by our belief in the power of supporting and shining on each other as the catalyst of our collective growth. The Shine On Summit is an opportunity to illuminate one another, while we honor and embrace the fullness of our humanity. Throughout the summit, you’ll engage in lightning breakout talks and hear remarks from influential speakers, all addressing the question:

What does it mean to RISE? Where are we headed, and what do we need to get there?

What does it mean to RISE?

What does it mean to RISE? ☼

Come to hear ideas (known and new), connect with like-hearted folks, and maybe walk away with a light-bulb moment of your own!


What does it mean to RISE?

What does it mean to RISE? ☼


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Marlo Rencher

Monica Wheat

Veronika Scott


Breakout Speakers

Sarah Cicotte

Powerful Women: Reentry and Advancement in the Workforce

Nicole Clarke

Owning Your Journey

Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Empowerment Through Community Experiences


Christina Fair

Tangible Tools To Help You RISE

Sarah dalley

Read to RISE

Katina Schneider

The Power of Collaboration & Openness Among Small Businesses


Gia Kim

Embrace Change: The Essence of Rising

Marianna Kerppola

Rising Above Your Limiting Beliefs

Emily Heintz

Women as Catalysts for Innovation & Connectivity in Tech

We’re seeking support for our first annual summit. If you or your organization is passionate about advancing women and other underrepresented folks in the tech and startup ecosystem, please reach out at!


Our Grab-Bag and Raffle sponsors: